Saturday, March 5, 2011


KELTS, Roland, Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture has invaded the U.S., New York, Palgrave McMillan, 2006.

PDF / 1 MB / Eng / 253 pag / 1403974756 / 978-1403974754

Los americanos se encuentran un tanto sorprendidos por el fenómeno del animé. La animación japonesa se ha adueñado de una parte importante del mercado estadounidense y este libro intenta explicar como. Por ende se hace repaso a algunas piezas clásicas de los 70’s, Mercado Japonés, Mercado Yanqui, y a todo lo que rodea al mundo del Manga y el Animé (marketing, Cartas, OVAS, Cosplay, Juguetes, etc.). Este libro busca analizar este fenómeno en estados unidos (pero sus conclusiones pueden aplicarse perfectamente a otras partes del mundo). (by pelida77)

Contemporary Japanese pop culture such as anime and manga (Japanese animation and comic books) has taken America by storm. While Hollywood struggles to fill seats, Japanese anime releases are increasingly outpacing American movies in number and, more importantly, in the devotion they inspire in their fans. Japanamerica is the first book that directly addresses the American experience with the Japanese pop phenomenon, covering everything from Hayao Miyazaki's epics, the burgeoning world of hentai, or violent pornographic anime, and Puffy Amiyumi, whose exploits are broadcast daily on the Cartoon Network, to literary novelist Haruki Murakami, and more. With insights from the artists, critics, readers and fans from both nations, this book is as literate as it is hip, highlighting the shared conflicts as American and Japanese pop cultures dramatically collide in the here and now.

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